Day 7
September 16, 2009
Today I have had 2 things to be happy about one was actually from yesterday but I didnt really notice how great it was until today. These two happiness factors are both material objects, the first one is not a "need" but it's something that I "wanted" to get for Hailey. The second is a "makes life a lot easier if I had one" type of "need".
I was looking online at Walmart to price out toy baby strollers. Hailey is really starting to like to push things while she is walking so I thought for her birthday I would buy her a toy baby stroller. In the store they normally run around $10.00 but I wanted to make sure and I boy am glad I looked online!

This set is on clearance for $10.00 can you believe it? It comes with everything in the picture except the doll, a stroller, high chair/ swing, car seat and fully stocked diaper bag. I know she is still a bit young to play with most of these items besides the push stroller but I plan of saving the rest away until she is a little older.
My second thing I am happy for is from good friends of mine. She and her husband are letting me use their pack'n'play. I am using it as Haileys bed, and like I said its not something I necessarily have to have in order to take care of her, but it sure does make it easier to sleep. I no longer have to worry about he falling off the bed or waking up in the middle of the night and getting into things if she was sleeping on "mommy made bed" on the floor. Now that I have a place for her to sleep I can work on her sleeping through the night again! (That will be a truly happy day!)
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