Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I'm making my comeback to the blogging world... It takes about 6 weeks to turn an idea into results and one of my New Year Resolutions is to write more often So I better start now! I want to share ideas, inspirations, works of art, etc. I am excited to start this new chapter and look forward to it. I have started a few different post and will be posting them soon!

As For Hailey and I, we are doing great! She is growing so fast and is such a precious gem in my life. Her creativity and liveliness inspire me on a daily basis to be the best woman and mother I can possibly be. 

Hailey Thanksgiving 2012

Hailey and I Thanksgiving 2012

Monday, October 3, 2011

30 Days of Happiness!

Well since I'm not to good at keeping up with blogging my 30 days might be spread out to 30 weeks (haha!) Its hard to find the time to sit on the computer and blog everyday with such a busy life and now that Hailey is back with me it's even busier. She makes everyday a joyous adventure, and blesses my heart with happiness every moment!

Friday, September 16, 2011

30 Days of Happiness

Well I got a little behind since I've been busy the past few days but I have a lot to be thankful and happy about:

Day 2

My mother has an awesome new husband who really is a great father figure for me and his sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are an absolute blessing to me! Its like we have all grown up together and are blood related... almost! 

When the whole family gets together we have 3 guitarists and the rest of the family sings and we all worship together through music and it is just an amazing time! We can talk about anything everyone feels comfortable with one another, and it really fills my void of always wanting a big family. I now have 8 siblings 6 sisters and 2 brother!  Life has really turned around for the good of things and I am ever so thankful for it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

30 Days of Happiness

I have decided to re-do my 30 days of Happiness, I wasn't able to finish it the last time due to the emotionally stressful and unhappy situation I was in when I originally tried. Now that I am in a much better place in my life and I have clearer vision as to what really makes me happy I can actually attempt with confidence and be able to finish! So here is goes!

Day 1

I am happy that I live in a home where I can brush up my skills on the guitar and worship the Lord through music whenever I want. I am also happy that not only is there an electric and an acoustic guitar for my pleasure there is a mini acoustic so I can teach my daughter how to play(assuming she'll want to since she LOVES the toy guitar I bought her for Christmas)
Its never to young or old to learn the absolute basics of an instrument!

My Son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest his correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.
Proverbs 3:11-12

Sunday, January 31, 2010

hailey update

Well, Hailey is now 16 months old and she is not slowing down! She has and adventurous heart and wants to explore everything. She loves to climb up on anything... including ladders. She is talking non-stop saying... mama, shoes, foof (food), doggin (doggie), fish, up, down, bath, bye-bye, bye-gus (bye-guys) hi, how go (hows it going?), ni-night, ni-night tm (ni-night time), tis (kiss), and top (stop) {this one is in a long dragged out annoyed tone. Those are all I can think of off the top of my head. She's gorwing up so fast!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ready for 2010

This year has been full of ups and downs, mainly downs but at somepoint its has to go back up and I am just waiting for it to happen. I found out that life really doesnt happen the way you think it will. I never once thought that I'd be a single mom by the end of 2009.

But we are doing very well Hailey and I. We had an awesome Christmas with my family, and we are hoping for a fun filled new years.

I am ready to start my new life and the new year.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

photo update!

I just figured out that the lap top I use has a memory card slot... I had a blonde moment for about a month and a half. So here are some photos from September 1st and on!

Spagetti Face!

She loves her some oreo's!

Eating her Birthday cake of her actual b!irthday

Getting her hair done for her party.

Playing with a new toy...

Going down a slide for the first time.

Playing dress up!

Friday, October 2, 2009

30 days of happiness....

Day 13
October 2, 2009

There are a few things that I am happy about (since it has been a few days since I last posted)

  • I am starting to get "the hang" of my job, and that is making me really start to like it. The first and second day were really intimidating to me, only because I haven't held a regular job since 2007.
  • Hailey is adapting very well to me going to work and being gone during the day. She is also adapting very well to no longer being attached to my hip if I am home, she will play with the other little kiddies and come to me when she needs something.
  • I am proud of myself for exercising and trying to eat well and therefore happy for losing another 2 pounds! I have completely lost all my "baby weight"!
Well, there it is thats what made me happy for the past couple days!

Monday, September 28, 2009

30 days of happiness....

Day 12
September 28th, 2009

My happiness has to deal with Hailey's sleeping patterns... Today was the second time Hailey has gone to sleep on her own... and on her own I mean I feed her and then I put her in her bed and shut the door behind me and let her cry herself to sleep. She doesn't cry for long because she is tired in the first place when I put her in there. It makes me happy to know that my daughter is becoming self sufficient (sort of). I am trying not to HAVE to give her a cup to go to bed that way I wont have to deal with breaking that habit in the future, but only time will tell. I also have been made aware that Hailey should not be in control of my sleep during the night. We are sharing a bedroom with my mom at the moment and she has made me aware of the fact that every noise Hailey makes I jump up and get her rather than just letting he fall back asleep on her own. Well the past 2 nights I have not jumped at her every need... (which was every half hour to an hour for the past month) and she has only needed me 3 times each night! I am hoping to soon be done with breastfeeding her especially since I start working tomorrow!